Letter: 13 Marines died

Thirteen U.S. Marines died Thursday. Those Marines died because the parasites we send to Washington, D.C., are more concerned with critical race theory, social engineering, party politics, the Green New Deal and any other divisive claim they can manufacture to gain political points rather than protecting Americans. Thirteen American families are experiencing that dreaded knock on the door.

Our borders are wide open, and many of those streaming across and dispersed throughout America are unvetted, and we have no idea who they are. We are told that we are welcoming refugees who were helpful to us in Afghanistan into the U.S. We are further told that they were vetted by the Taliban (terrorists) — fox in the hen house?

We are begging the Taliban (terrorists) for more time to get Americans out of Afghanistan and simultaneously asking OPEC to pump more oil. I am puzzled: In January, America was energy independent, and since when does the United States of America bargain with terrorists?

I have a better idea: Special Forces, Seals, Marines all converge on every airfield within 1,500 miles, take them, secure them and employ them to get Americans out and home. Fighters and transport helicopters in the air over rescue areas — one shot at us and annihilate the area it came from. Allies should be flown to bases within the region and vetted completely, if possible. If not possible, find them new homes anywhere but the U.S. Many countries owe us big time; call the note.

We are further told by Congressman Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, that thousands of people who came into the U.S. recently through the Rio Grande Valley were not tested for the virus. However, we are masking our children and depriving them of accepted oxygen levels while asking them to learn. Yes, I took the test Randy White suggested in a previous edition of this paper, and he is correct. One’s blood oxygen level is negatively impacted — below Centers for Disease Control and Prevention minimum suggested healthy level of 93% by wearing a mask. My blood oxygen level was 81% while wearing a mask and 98% without a mask.

It is time to saddle up, kick butt and quit fiddling while Rome burns. This has everything to do with honor, loyalty, courage, belief in America, and belief in our fellow Americans. Thirteen Marines are gone. Wake up, America!

Jack McEncroe

United States Marine, Vietnam veteran

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