68 elected officials in CD3 condemn Boebert, ask for investigation into conduct
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS — Elected officials across Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District — including all three Routt County commissioners — are sending a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other congressional leaders condemning the conduct of Rep. Lauren Boebert after a pro-Trump group stormed the U.S. Capitol last week.
“We have heard overwhelmingly from our constituents, therefore her constituents, that there is deep concern about her actions leading up to and during the protests that turned into a violent deadly mob,” reads the letter, signed by 68 officials ranging from county commissioners, mayors and town council members.
Letter to House Leaders from CO-3 Officials Condemning Rep. Boebert
Moments before the House of Representatives went into recess as rioters breached the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6, Boebert was objecting to the election results from Arizona. In her speech, she challenged changes made to the electoral process in Arizona, claiming the state’s votes should be nullified.
“I have constituents outside this building right now, and I promised my voters to be their voice,” Boebert of Rifle said in the floor speech. “They know that this election is not right, and as their representative, I am sent here to represent them.”
Shortly after the speech, the House went into recess as rioters invaded the Capitol, causing lawmakers to flee their chambers. The siege resulted in the death of five people including two police officers.
The letter says Boebert’s conduct was in “direct conflict with her responsibility as an elected official” and asks the House to investigate her actions and dole out appropriate punishment. The letter also asks congressional leaders to investigate hate groups they say pose a threat to American democracy.
The letter, sent to both the House majority and minority leaders as well, points to statements made on the House floor as well as social media posts sent by the first-term congresswoman leading up to the riots. The morning of the election certification Boebert tweeted, “Today is 1776.”
“Representative Boebert’s speech and tweets encouraged the mob mentality of her social media followers and the people who directly participated in the destructive violence that disrupted a lawful democratic process from taking place as scheduled,” the letter reads.
Boebert has received many calls to resign in the wake of the Capitol attack, some accusing her of tweeting out the location of Pelosi during the chaos. Boebert has dismissed that claim as ridiculous, saying that she was not “revealing some big secret” in a statement responding to calls for her resignation.
“Let’s get real — the far left and their policies are causing harm to our country. I refuse to let their political machine write a narrative that millions of Americans know is false,” Boebert’s statement says.
The statement included a long list of comments made by Democrats and members of Hollywood Boebert claims encouraged mob violence. In the letter the officials say they have made several attempts to reach out to Boebert without success.
“As elected officials we are dedicated to serving all those in our region regardless of their affiliation,” the letter concludes. “We take this responsibility seriously and expect Representative Boebert to do so as well.”
To reach Dylan Anderson, call 970-871-4247 or email danderson@SteamboatPilot.com.
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