Routt County Environmental Health hosts household hazardous waste drop-off Saturday

The Routt County Environmental Health Department will host a household hazardous waste drop-off event from 8 a.m.-noon Saturday, Oct. 5 in the Steamboat Springs Middle School parking lot.

The event is designed to reduce household hazardous waste in the community. Paint, poisons, toxic materials, flammables, corrosives, oxidizers and most household cleaners will be accepted. There will be no charge for dropping off paint, but there will be a five-gallon limit per car.

There will be a cost associated with dropping off some materials, and only cash and checks will be accepted. For questions visit:

The event will not recycle other items such as mattresses or electronics. The Yampa Valley Sustainability Council operates the Yampa Valley Recycles Depot in Riverside Plaza west of side Steamboat Springs that accepts many hard-to-recycle items.

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