Letter: Single-use plastic bags are best choice to curtail disease

Single-use plastic grocery bags are the best choice to curtail disease spreading and save the environment. Researchers warned dirty reusable bags spread virus and bacteria disease. Political officials ignored that warning, because they were determined to eliminate single-use bags.

Many are now revoking the bag ban. Using paper bags or reused bags for groceries is not acceptable. Tree destruction for paper is ruining the forests. Making new paper or recycling old requires enormous amounts of fossil fuel and water. Paper releases deadly methane gas.

Dr. Jane Goodall, world-recognized environmentalist, and National Geographic have produced “The Hope.” Her quotes are, “If we destroy natural habitats, viruses are released into the world. We brought this pandemic on ourselves by deforestation.” She plans to plant 5 million trees this year.

A study by CSU scholars shows winter or summer recreation is not compatible with conservation goals. Steamboat Springs cannot rely on snow/summer recreation, visitors and a no virus return for a stable community. City overpopulation combined with an influx of visitors changes our environment.

Protect local health by returning single-use grocery bags. Ninety-five percent of recycled bag are not clean. A reusable bag swab to a petri dish will show that bacteria, fungus and mold harbor in bags. Your clean bag may not meet my standards.

Arizona and California University microbiologists’ studies show that reusable bags carry serious disease threats to public health safety especially from fecal coliform bacteria. Body hygiene cannot be controlled. Virus must have a live host. One may be a carrier and spreader of the COVID-19 or any virus before the illness becomes apparent. A life-threatening virus can leave residual effects, heart changes, blood clots, decreased lung capacity and mental health changes. Seniors and children are in most danger.

Plastic single-use grocery bags will help stop disease spreading. The huge plastic deposits in Pacific Ocean are 80% from China and Asia. Will we stop single-use water, drink bottles and containers to stop damage done to environment?

Paper and reusable bags are unhealthy and eco unfriendly. Plastic bags are the least eco destructive, most disease free thus the bag of choice. 

Ann Ross
Steamboat Springs

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