Guest commentary: To our veterans, a heartfelt thank you

Harriet Freiberger
For Steamboat Pilot & Today
Veterans Day is an opportunity to truly honor the men and women who have sacrificed for their nation.
John F. Russell/Steamboat Pilot & Today

On this day, the 11th of November in the year 2024, what are we doing to honor you who have stood guard against those who would harm and end this entity that is our home?

Stopping to take a good look at each other, and finally, at ourselves, we can try to see more clearly. The things which separate us from each other fail to reflect the appreciation and respect for the something bigger that is this idea of America.

You have stepped up to be defenders of what this youngster in the world’s history is growing up to be. You stand above our quarrelsome selves to defend our right to disagree with each other. We, all of us who so freely take advantage of the freedom you defend, would perceive a bigger picture if we step back and take a good look past ourselves from a wider viewpoint.

More than 200 nations share this planet and through two worldwide wars the United States of America has defended this idea, still young in the annals of history: freedom of the individual. You, our soldiers, have stood on our behalf, in our defense, within and outside our borders. We are grateful and today has been set aside for recognition of what you have given us. This is a day to voice gratitude, and it is not too much to ask of ourselves to cease, in your honor, the conflict that we have created among ourselves over our governance.

This idea of America speaks louder than our small way of seeing each other as opponents. The words are written, spoken and finally can be sounded loud enough for all of us to hear. This day honors those of you who have offered the utmost you can give — your living presence on this earth. Who are we, the ones who so easily and readily depend upon you for defense against our enemies, and what are we willing to give up for this dream we claim to believe in? Maybe, if we take a good look at ourselves, we can see the need that is actually quite clear, the larger idea that is within each of us who are the living part of what is more than an idea.

You, today, our soldiers, stand tall, visible, above our pettiness. You defend our country against our foreign enemies. You stand apart and above our domestic quarrels. Our Congress stands in defense against those inner differences. Our senators and representatives can be only as effective as we, their voters, demand. And we, the voters, can demand only what we, each of us, can deliver ourselves.

How do we honor those of you who have offered your lives on our behalf? There is only one way, and that is in living by the law that governs us, to expect of ourselves what we expect of each other. We, here in this small community, have the opportunity to know our elected leaders and to take part in the conversation that will enable the future we want for ourselves and our children. Stepping back is not the answer. 

Neither Congress nor our local government can solve our problems alone without participation. If each of us finds a small way to hear what we do not want to hear and see what we do not want to see, the way will be clear.

We honor you today for having offered your utmost, representing the hope we all share for what lies ahead, for this entity that is the America that embraces us all within our homes, our communities, our agreements and our differences. Thank you.

Harriet Freiberger has lived in the Elk River valley since 1982.

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