City, Pilot & Today to host panel discussion on local business resources available

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS — City of Steamboat Springs and Routt County officials will host a panel discussion on Monday, March 23, to address people’s questions about business resources following the outbreak of novel coronavirus.

The virtual discussion starts at 10:30 a.m. and features professionals from the community. The list of panelists includes Kara Stoller, director of the Steamboat Springs Chamber; Jessica Voland, Colorado Workforce Center; Whitney Bakarich, Mind Springs Health and Jennifer Dorr, Routt County Social Services.

Steamboat Pilot & Today Editor Lisa Schlichtman will moderate the panel discussion, which will be available as a live video on Steamboat Pilot & Today’s Facebook page, on the local news station Comcast TV6 and on the city’s website. It also will be posted on 

Steamboat City Manager Gary Suiter said the discussion looks to help answer questions around COVID-19 and the business resources available to employees and employers as well as maintaining mental health during this challenging time.

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